Clients often start therapy at the point of emotional exhaustion. Assessments reveal that they are feeling completely depleted, shut down, in a state of burnout and depressed. Life can feel very bleak and flat, with little or no pleasure in sight. Clients attend therapy concerned about their drop in productivity and functioning, often telling me that they are doing nothing of value.
Do you find yourself feeling overwhelming anxiety in certain situations? Struggling to think? Heart racing? Stuttering, confused, blushing? Or quick to anger – seeing red, wanting to shout, attack, hurt? Or just shutting down completely and going blank? Does it feel like there’s something wrong with you?
Well, the good news is that a) there isn’t and b) you’re in good company (despite how others may seem to portray themselves). These are all NORMAL and adaptive reactions to threat, and your nervous system doing what it’s been designed to do.
If you are currently searching for a psychological therapist to help you with sensitive, emotional issues, you may have already discovered that there is a lot of information out there, which can feel somewhat overwhelming and confusing.
Whilst you may know that you are seeking therapy to improve your well-being, the process of trying to find a suitable and available therapist can be very anxiety provoking. Accessing therapy is a big investment, both financially and in terms of your time, so naturally you want to take steps to ensure you are getting the best kind of help for you.