Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

developing a more compassionate relationship with ourselves and our experiences.

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

What Is Compassion Focused Therapy?

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) falls within the category of ‘CBT’ therapies, and has a particular focus on developing a more compassionate relationship with ourselves and our experiences.  A core notion in CFT is that we have evolved 3 main cognitive systems essential for survival – the threat system (fight, flight, freeze), the drive system (achievement, goal oriented) and the social engagement, soothing system (feeling connected, compassionate and safe with ourselves and others).  In our society, we tend to experience an imbalance in these 3 systems, and having an over developed threat or drive system can result in emotional difficulties.

By building greater compassion the model suggests that we can achieve greater balance between the systems, allowing us to function more effectively and to feel more content.  In CFT we are likely to focus on building self-compassion using a series of exercises which might involve mindfulness, compassionate imagery, compassionate writing and moving towards behaving in more compassionate ways. 

Research indicates that CFT is an effective psychological therapy with people who experience a range of mental health conditions (such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, PTSD) as well as those experiencing difficult life events such as as grief, loss and chronic health conditions.

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Tel: 07711 206238 | email:

The Upminster Sanctuary, Pea Lane,Upminster, Essex, RM14 2XH

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EMDR Kate Butt